Details of the hearing can be found on the"rolls" for the Court's Noember calendar.
The hearing will take place over 5 mornings and afternoons* between Monday November 21 and Friday, November 25, 2016, and will be held in the Salle Louis H. Lafontaine in the Édifice Ernest-Cormier (100, rue Notre-Dame Est, Montreal) .
In comparison with the months and months of trial that were spent at the Superior Court, this will be a very compressed presentation:
- the tobacco industry 'Appellants' have only 12 hours between them to make their case. Half of those (345 minutes) to to Imperial Tobacco, with a third going to JTI-Macdonald (240 minutes) and a sixth going to Rothmans, Benson and Hedges (120 minutes).
- The class-action 'Respondents' have slightly over 7 hours (435 minutes) to present their views .
Another province, another appeal.
Most of the action (if any) in the provincial litigation efforts is hidden from public view.
An exception to this was a hearing before the Court of Appeal in British Columbia last week, which was attended and reported on by Sunny Dhillon of the Globe and Mail. The B.C. government is still trying to fight back a lower court ruling that it must provide electronic health care records to the defendant companies.
Different types of publication
Over the past few months a few research articles have surfaced which cite the Blais-Létourneau trial or the substance of Justice Riordan's decision. These include papers by:
- Lara Khoury
Le futur des actions collectives comme outils de réduction des risques posés à la santé publique: Leçons québécoises en matière de tabagisme (The Future of Class Actions as a Tool for Reducing Risks to Public Health: Lessons from Québec on Smoking).
Published in Revue de droit d'Ottawa (Ottawa Law Review), Vol. 47, No. 2, 2016
- Craig Jones
Panacea Or Pandemic: Comparing Equitable Waiver of Tort to Aggregate Liability in Cases of Mass Torts with Indeterminate Causation
Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law. (2016)
- Neil Collishaw:
Blowing smoke: the history of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in Canadian tobacco
Tobacco Control. Online, June 2016
- Louis M. Kyriakoudes
The tobacco industry's deadly distortions of history. Editorial
Tobacco Control. September 2016.
- Cynthia Callard
The ‘common knowledge’ of Quebecers: quantifying the evidence of historians testifying for defendant tobacco companies.
Tobacco Control. September 2016.